Saturday, December 12, 2009

New England Patriots Mascot Caught In Sex Sting.

Fox News is reporting that the man in the Pat the Patriot uniform was picked up in a prostitution related sex sting that netted 13 individuals. The man, from Warwick, was arrested at a hotel where he was apparently banging a hooker. Rhode Island recently passed a law that makes all prostitution a misdemeanor, where previously "indoor prostitution" was legal. They have closed the legal loophole and the legs of a bunch of freakin' hookahs. When asked how it felt to be part of a sex sting the man replied, "Sex Sting? Is that why it burns when I pee?" No sir, that is the clap.


Jim Barton said...

now THAT is hysterical. Glad the Pats and their sex-fiend employees stayed in Foxboro instead of mving to Hartford and spreading venerial disease in CT

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